Your In & Out Beauty Starts Today With Glovic Naturals
You are here for a reason and a purpose.
Our Passion and Dedication is to bring you overall wellness.
The change for a better you starts today from the inside out.
Join Us Today For:
  • All Natural (Chemical Free) Products
  • Ethically Sourced Ingredients
  • Guaranteed to make a positive difference
  • 1000's of lives changed for the better
Your In & Out Beauty Starts Today With Glovic Naturals
You are here for a reason and a purpose.
Our Passion and Dedication is to bring you overall wellness.
The change for a better you starts today from the inside out.
Join Us Today For:
  • All Natural (Chemical Free) Products
  • Ethically Sourced Ingredients
  • Guaranteed to make a positive difference
  • 1000's of lives changed for the better
The Glovic Naturals Promise
Gluten Friendly
Vegan Friendly
GMP Certified
Dairy Friendly
GMO Free
Made in USA
Why Choose pH Balanced Alkaline Structured Silver?
Glovic Naturals pH balanced Alkaline Structured Majestic Silver is a  silver that is actually pH balanced to an Alkalinity level of 7.4 or higher.

The body functions best in an alkaline state, and many studies show that bad bacteria and yeast cannot flourish when the body is alkaline, as compared to being in an acidic state.
Why Choose pH Balanced Alkaline Structured Silver?
Glovic Naturals pH balanced Alkaline Structured Majestic Silver is a  silver that is actually pH balanced to an Alkalinity level of 7.4 or higher.

The body functions best in an alkaline state, and many studies show that bad bacteria and yeast cannot flourish when the body is alkaline, as compared to being in an acidic state.
Structured Water
We depend on water for every bodily function and ultimately for survival. Researchers are finding that structured water is better absorbed by our cells than purified or distilled waters. Structured water also creates an aerobic positive environment through free stable oxygen which promotes healthy bacteria and negates bad bacteria.

Structured Water is water that has been purified vibrationally in order to neutralize toxins. Water in nature is also naturally structured. Some potential benefits of this type of water are better metabolism, DNA strengthening, more energy, and a better ability to hydrate the cells.
Will Not Fall Out of Solution
Historically, one of the biggest concerns with silver products was the fact that the silver molecules could fall out of suspension and settle to the bottom of the bottle. This is concerning as if the silver molecules fall out of suspension in the bottle, they could also fall out of suspension in the body.

Glovic Naturals pH balanced Structured silver works by bonding silver molecules to structured water at a specific energetic frequency that will not separate or settle to the bottom of the bottle. Additionally, it will not metabolize or build up in the body.
Will Not Fall Out of Solution
Historically, one of the biggest concerns with silver products was the fact that the silver molecules could fall out of suspension and settle to the bottom of the bottle. This is concerning as if the silver molecules fall out of suspension in the bottle, they could also fall out of suspension in the body.

Glovic Naturals pH balanced Structured silver works by bonding silver molecules to structured water at a specific energetic frequency that will not separate or settle to the bottom of the bottle. Additionally, it will not metabolize or build up in the body.
Third Party Laboratory Tested to Ensure Quality and Efficacy

What Makes This Solution So Amazing?











Simply The Finest Natural Supplements
Our Best Sellers
Natural Ingredients
No Chemicals
Made in USA
GMP Certified
How To Use Our Products
Our products have many uses. Check out this page to discover the multiple uses they have, and how to use them.
Delivering Safe & Natural Products
Why Choose Glovic Naturals
Natural Products
All our products celebrate naturally sourced ingredients that are thoughtfully selected for the greatest efficacy.
Better Results
Through years of research, all of our natural products are backed by science and are engineered for better results.
Chemical Free
Glovic Natural's products are formulated from the
finest natural ingredients and are free of any chemicals.
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